To Overseed or Not?
Consider the money you save from the overseed and water costs this year so you can: remove and update ‘wrong plant, wrong location’ areas or fill in areas that are missing plants.
As fall soon approaches it is important to remember more than just the jack o’ lanterns, cooler weather, and colorful leaves that surround us here in Arizona. Fall is typically the time we transition our grass warm season turf in the desert. Bermuda grass will become dormant for the winter typically around September-October which is when we begin to transition lawns to our winter Rye grass. This transition raises a question as to whether or not to overseed. Annual overseeding is pretty common for us in the valley, but is it the best move for your lawn this season?
Why Skipping Overseeding This Season Can Add Value
Overseeding with winter Rye gives our grass landscape a uniform green grass through out the winter, so why should we skip overseeding this season? With Arizona’s extreme heat and recent lack of rainfall this year, as well as increased pricing of seed and water, giving your grass a break from overseeding this season may be just what your budget, summer turf areas, and overall landscape need.
Overseeding with Ryegrass too often can lead to competition for nutrients, water, and light between your summer Bermuda and the winter Rye grass. This competition can lead to wear and spotty Bermuda throughout the summer.
Taking a break this season from overseed in your community will ensure that spring’s Bermuda grass won’t be in competition to come back from dormancy, creating a stronger and healthier summer lawn.
With the money saved in overseed and water cost, your community can do those planting and enhancement projects this fall that have been put off during the hottest and dryest monsoon season.
Let’s talk more about how you can maintain the investment in your landscape and improve its value. Call ELS business development team at 602.703.1850 anytime.