A Desert of Color – Planting Fall Annuals
As we creep into cooler temperatures, October marks the beginning of the fall gardening season. With the Arizona climate differing so much from other parts of the country, you must be well-versed in the proper way to plant your annuals in the desert.
You may be hesitant to rip out your summer flowers while they are still lush and in full bloom, but TRUST US and do it! Fall annuals need to establish their roots in the warmer soils so that when the cooler temps start to slow their development they have a better support system in place.
Fall flowers come in an array of bright colors, sizes and types, providing a long season of attractive blooms. Some of these winter annuals include:

Lobelia (Full Sun – 3-4”)

Alyssum (Full Sun – 4”)

Pansy (Full Sun – 6-8”)

Begonia (Full Shade – 6-8”)

Snapdragon (Full Sun – 6-22”)

Geraniums (Full Sun – 4-18”)

Marigold (Full Sun – 10-12”)

Primrose (Partial Shade – 4-6”)
Dianthus (Full Sun – 10-12”)
October is the perfect time of year to bring rich color to your yard or garden. Remember, to ensure that your flowers stay alive and bloom all winter long, be sure to cover them with a sheet if the weather calls for a frost. Be creative and have fun enhancing your landscape with the wide array of beautiful annuals that are available to us here in the desert!
ELS Maintenance crew members planting fall annuals at the Seville Homeowners Association, October 2017.