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Tree Care in the Arizona Monsoon Season
Monsoon season has officially been defined as the period from June 15th through September 30th in Arizona. This time of year usually brings excessive heat which is sometimes followed by high levels of moisture in the air causing vibrant thunderstorms accelerated by very fast winds. Thunderstorms in the Phoenix area present a multitude of hazards including over-saturated soil and mudslides that often strike suddenly and with violent force.

Winter Over-seeding in Arizona
Many Arizona communities around the valley are gearing up for winter seeding and cutting back on water usage from the community’s turf areas. September is the best month to start transitioning your lawn for the winter Ryegrass. In addition to being more aesthetically pleasing than a brown lawn from the dormant Bermuda grass, maintaining a healthy green lawn all year provides the added benefit of keeping weeds under control.

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