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Arizona Landscaping; It’s Time to Fertilize Citrus Trees
Temperatures are finally warming up and Spring is right around the corner! With this change in seasons comes changes in the landscape of your HOA community or commercial property and it is important to properly prepare the plant and tree materials for the upcoming warmer weather. January/February marks the kickoff to Spring here in Arizona […]
Arizona Arbor Care; Spring Bloom of Purple Leaf Plum Trees
Spring is right around the corner and with that comes the beautiful bloom of some of our favorite plants and trees here in the Valley. One noteworthy item that is expected to bloom quite early this season is the Purple Leaf Plum tree. This tree is known for its fragrant pink/purple flowers and its shrub-like […]
For Residents; The Importance of Plant Pruning in Your Residential Landscape
Importance of Rejuvenation Pruning in a Residential Landscape. Free Downloadable Pruning Schedule Included.
HOA Community Management: What to do With Extra Budget in the New Year
When it comes to the landscape of your HOA community, there are quite a few options on where budget can go to ensure that it is being optimized this year. We recommend putting tat budget into elements that will save money for your community in the long run, increase community value, and/or upgrade the neighborhood.
Hiring the Right Arborist for Your HOA Tree Management
Trees are an important asset to any HOA community or commercial property as they provide a number of benefits including adding economic value to a property, energy savings, carbon dioxide capture, and shade production for the surrounding landscape. When it comes to tree management, it is important to find certified professionals who are able to […]
Ornamental Grasses in Your AZ Landscape
This holiday season we are talking more than ornaments for your tree! Ornamental Grass is a great addition to any Arizona Landscape and is an aesthetic plant material that thrives in the Winter, providing some green to your community while other plants struggle through the colder temperatures. Ornamental Grasses are low water use and require […]
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