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Turn Your Yard Into a Butterfly Wonderland!
With the springtime comes the planting season! While ELS is planting new shrubs, trees, and cacti from our Wholesale Nursery in communities across the valley, residents are planning what to do with their backyards, planters, and private landscape spaces. Adding native plants is always recommended, as it improves the quality of life of the Sonoran […]

Invasive Plants Should Be Removed Before They Bloom
Since the population boom in the Phoenix area in the past several decades numerous invasive weeds have been introduced to the environment which cause severe damage to the ecosystem and make wildfires more potent and frequent. The worst offenders include Buffel Grass, Brome, and, most recently, the notorious Globe Chamomile (“Stinknet”). Removing or killing these […]

Dealing With Frost Damage in the Desert
The Sonoran Desert winter is renowned across the United States for how pleasant it is compared to many other regions, however there are often weather patterns that lead to frosts or even occasional dustings of snow. When this happens, it’s important to follow these precautions to prevent causing permanent damage to your plants. First, it’s […]

What Blooms in the Winter?
What Blooms In The Winter?Even in the Sonoran Desert, many plants go dormant in the winter. Many trees and shrubs are deciduous, and many others simply slow down their biological processes and don’t create much color. There are some exceptions, though. This article will go over some native options and some non-native options that will […]

Winter Legumes to Refresh Your Garden
If you have a garden in your backyard in Arizona, you know how hard it can be to keep garden crops happy throughout the seasons. There’s a helpful strategy built into many of the Sonoran Desert’s native plants, and some winter crops you can plant that operate the same way.For a garden bed built into […]

Low-Water Replacements for Grass Turfs
Clover, Dichondra and Kurapia – Replacements for Grass?These days, every level of Arizona society from the state government to local governments to individual homeowners are trying to find ways to preserve water. The most notable water consumer in residential areas is very obviously the grass, with golf courses and lawns swallowing up huge amounts of […]

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