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Low-Water Replacements for Grass Turfs
Clover, Dichondra and Kurapia – Replacements for Grass?These days, every level of Arizona society from the state government to local governments to individual homeowners are trying to find ways to preserve water. The most notable water consumer in residential areas is very obviously the grass, with golf courses and lawns swallowing up huge amounts of […]

Fertilizer and Heat – Don’t Burn the Roots!
Summers are very difficult for trees, shrubs, and turf in the Sonoran Desert. In order to survive, they need much more water than in cooler times of year, and this increased frequency of water has an inconvenient side-effect: loss of nutrients. The increased water dispersal can literally flush away vital minerals and compounds from the […]

Preventing Wind Damage in Desert Trees
The summers in Arizona are characterized by the storms brought on by the monsoons. Whether or not those storms bring rain, they will certainly bring strong winds. Those winds often yield great amounts of broken branches or even entire uprooted trees. While there’s no way to completely prevent wind damage and nobody’s perfect, here are […]

Summer Watering and Nighttime Heat
Summer Watering and Nighttime Heat The trees, shrubs, grass, and cacti that we use in Arizona landscapes are built to handle the heat. At least, they can handle the high daytime temperatures as long as the air and ground cool down in the night. There’s one big problem though: the past few summers have featured […]

Dead or Drought-Deciduous?
As spring turns to summer, the Sonoran Desert goes from its lush springtime conditions to a state that many would refer to as “dead.” While there are lots of wildflowers and invasive species that truly go through their entire life cycles in a single springtime, the truth for much of the larger plants in the […]

How Far Should a Drip Be from a Tree Trunk?
It may not seem like a big deal, but the space between a tree’s trunk and its water source can be a lifesaver or a killer in Arizona landscaping. Our soil texture, the nature of root development, and species of tree affect where to place drip lines most optimally for your trees. This applies to […]

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