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Before You String Up Your Christmas Lights – Which Arizona Trees Go Dormant in the Winter?
With the holiday season approaching, you may be looking over your yard thinking of ideas of where to hang up lights and place decorations. If you’ve just moved here, it may be difficult to tell which trees are going to lose their leaves and which ones are evergreen. Before you put your Christmas lights up, […]

Which Arizona Shrubs Need Winter Rejuvenation Pruning?
Winter is a very interesting time in the field of Arizona landscaping, much different from most other places in the world. Most trees and shrubs native to the Sonoran Desert are drought deciduous, meaning they strategically grow and lose leaves depending on precipitation and humidity. Only the riparian trees (Mesquites, Cottonwoods, Sycamores, Desert Willows, etc.) […]

Best Annual Flowers for the Fall in Phoenix
As the average daily temperature finally dips into the low 90’s and below, the conditions are just right to start your fall planting. Your choices may depend on the aesthetics of your neighborhood, sun exposure, animal exposure, and hardiness in the winter. Sun Exposure Let’s face it: it’s probably still going to be “hot” […]

Verticillium and Cinnamon Mold Detected Throughout Phoenix Area
If you’ve noticed the sudden and rapid death of many trees across the Valley this summer, you’re not alone. We went from an extremely wet cool season to an extremely hot and dry warm season this year. Extreme weather patterns like these often cause weakened immune systems in non-native plant species, which lead to the […]

The Tuna Can Test: How Efficient Are Your Sprinklers?
Irrigation sprinklers for turf typically spray out in one direction, in ranges of 30, 60, 90, 180, 270, or 360 degrees, depending on the brand and model. Many sprinklers automatically rotate with water pressure to reach even more surface area. How do you know if your sprinklers are covering as much of the surface area […]

Dethatching Defined – Improving Arizona Turf in the Late Summer
Dethatching DefinedIt’s August, and your summer Bermudagrass should have grown in nicely by now. If it is still looking thin and patchy with areas of brown in between, your turf may be suffering the effects of too much thatch accumulation. Another good indication of thatch buildup is that the grass has a bouncy feel when […]

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