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What’s That Crusty Buildup on my Arizona Irrigation Drip?
Have you ever looked at your yard on a hot Arizona summer day only to notice that one of your plants is suddenly wilted and dying after being perfectly fine for years? One of the most common problems we experience with our drip irrigation systems in the Valley of the Sun is the eventual, and […]

Leave Young Trees Staked Through Monsoon Season
The heavy winds characteristic of summer monsoon storms in Arizona threaten to damage young trees. Young trees have often not developed trunk strength or a root system extensive enough to withstand the winds. We therefore stake them to protect them not only from wind, but also from people, traffic, equipment, animals and other hazards.Stake Your […]

Beautiful Start to the Summer at the ELS Wholesale Nursery!
It’s about to officially be summer, which means the tens of thousands of plants at the ELS Wholesale Nursery are looking great!You can slide through the images to the right for just a few selections of the truly massive quantities of beautiful shrubs, trees, and succulents grown in-house for use in the many developments being […]

Early Summer Pruning for Desert Trees and Shrubs
Wondering what you can do in your garden in the heat of the summer? How does pruning trees sound? It may come as a surprise, but May to August—in the otherwise brutal heat of the summer months—is the best time to prune native and desert-adapted trees like palo verde, sissoo, mesquite, willow acacia, palo brea […]

The Benefits of Turf Aeration for Arizona Grass
Aeration is a process vital to the success of turf spaces, and in the Phoenix area, it’s practically a regular requirement to keep grass looking happy and healthy. You may see aeration listed on your landscaping schedule, but what is it, and when is the best time to do it for your home’s lawn?Why Aerate […]

Complete Your Winter-to-Summer Grass Transition
In late April and early May, when nighttime temperatures are consistently above 65 degrees, it’s time to transition winter to summer grass. If you didn’t overseed with winter perennial ryegrass, your Bermuda grass will transition naturally and sooner because it isn’t competing with the winter grass. Whether you’re watching the ELS crew take care of […]

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